
此间,由Grahame Grieve发表的一篇题为HL7 Fresh Look Task Force的博文引起了人们的热烈的讨论,RIMBAA的邮件列表里讨论了很久,随后Grahame Grieve 又发表一些后续的相关博文,Keith Boone也有一些,今日又看到Wes Rishel的一篇题为Lessons From the Putative Failure of HL7 V3的博文,当然Barry Simth也有掺和一脚,不过甚是瞧不起这个所谓的教授,因为他向来都只是批判,用我的话来说就是喷子一个,没有提出过撒子实质性的意见。遂萌生了把这些邮件列表里的讨论和博文整理成一个文档。算是一个交代。
在此引用一个笑话,同样来源于Grahame Grieve
Someone – also Dutch – came up to me and told this to me as a joke at Orlando:
“Have you heard about HL7?”
“Only the even versions are implementable”
看来只能等HL7 V4啦
Michael van der Zel
August 16, 2011 at 10:13 am

Were is HL7 v1? HL7 v2 is very well known and implemented. HL7 v3 is “broken”? So HL7 v4 will be heaven
Same thing with Linux. v2.0 is stable, v2.1 is developer, v2.2 is stable, etc.
You need inbetween versions to explore and discover.
Some steps are needed to get us further, so I think we are getting there.
Rome was not build in 1 day
