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2023-07-07 A Bayesian Circadian Hidden Markov Model to Infer Rest-Activity Rhythms Using 24-hour Actigraphy Data Jiachen Lu 2307.03832v1 null 24-hour actigraphy data collected by wearable devices offer valuable insights into physical activity types, intensity levels, and rest-activity rhythms (RAR). RARs, or patterns of rest and activity exhibited over a 24-hour period, are regulated by the body's circadian system, synchronizing physiological processes with external cues like the light-dark cycle. Disruptions to these rhythms, such as irregular sleep patterns, daytime drowsiness or shift work, have been linked to adverse health outcomes including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, depression, and even cancer, making RARs a critical area of health research. In this study, we propose a Bayesian Circadian Hidden Markov Model (BCHMM) that explicitly incorporates 24-hour circadian oscillators mirroring human biological rhythms. The model assumes that observed activity counts are conditional on hidden activity states through Gaussian emission densities, with transition probabilities modeled by state-specific sinusoidal functions. Our comprehensive simulation study reveals that BCHMM outperforms frequentist approaches in identifying the underlying hidden states, particularly when the activity states are difficult to separate. BCHMM also excels with smaller Kullback-Leibler divergence on estimated densities. With the Bayesian framework, we address the label-switching problem inherent to hidden Markov models via a positive constraint on mean parameters. From the proposed BCHMM, we can infer the 24-hour rest-activity profile via time-varying state probabilities, to characterize the person-level RAR. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed BCHMM using 2011-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data, where worsened RAR, indicated by lower probabilities in low-activity state during the day and higher probabilities in high-activity state at night, is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
2023-03-14 Transfer Learning for Real-time Deployment of a Screening Tool for Depression Detection Using Actigraphy Rajanikant Ghate 2303.07847v1 null Automated depression screening and diagnosis is a highly relevant problem today. There are a number of limitations of the traditional depression detection methods, namely, high dependence on clinicians and biased self-reporting. In recent years, research has suggested strong potential in machine learning (ML) based methods that make use of the user's passive data collected via wearable devices. However, ML is data hungry. Especially in the healthcare domain primary data collection is challenging. In this work, we present an approach based on transfer learning, from a model trained on a secondary dataset, for the real time deployment of the depression screening tool based on the actigraphy data of users. This approach enables machine learning modelling even with limited primary data samples. A modified version of leave one out cross validation approach performed on the primary set resulted in mean accuracy of 0.96, where in each iteration one subject's data from the primary set was set aside for testing.
2023-01-04 KIDS: kinematics-based (in)activity detection and segmentation in a sleep case study Omar Elnaggar 2301.03469v1 null Sleep behaviour and in-bed movements contain rich information on the neurophysiological health of people, and have a direct link to the general well-being and quality of life. Standard clinical practices rely on polysomnography for sleep assessment; however, it is intrusive, performed in unfamiliar environments and requires trained personnel. Progress has been made on less invasive sensor technologies, such as actigraphy, but clinical validation raises concerns over their reliability and precision. Additionally, the field lacks a widely acceptable algorithm, with proposed approaches ranging from raw signal or feature thresholding to data-hungry classification models, many of which are unfamiliar to medical staff. This paper proposes an online Bayesian probabilistic framework for objective (in)activity detection and segmentation based on clinically meaningful joint kinematics, measured by a custom-made wearable sensor. Intuitive three-dimensional visualisations of kinematic timeseries were accomplished through dimension reduction based preprocessing, offering out-of-the-box framework explainability potentially useful for clinical monitoring and diagnosis. The proposed framework attained up to 99.2\% $F_1$-score and 0.96 Pearson's correlation coefficient in, respectively, the posture change detection and inactivity segmentation tasks. The work paves the way for a reliable home-based analysis of movements during sleep which would serve patient-centred longitudinal care plans.
2022-12-31 Definition and clinical validation of Pain Patient States from high-dimensional mobile data: application to a chronic pain cohort Jenna M. Reinen 2301.00299v1 null The technical capacity to monitor patients with a mobile device has drastically expanded, but data produced from this approach are often difficult to interpret. We present a solution to produce a meaningful representation of patient status from large, complex data streams, leveraging both a data-driven approach, and use clinical knowledge to validate results. Data were collected from a clinical trial enrolling chronic pain patients, and included questionnaires, voice recordings, actigraphy, and standard health assessments. The data were reduced using a clustering analysis. In an initial exploratory analysis with only questionnaire data, we found up to 3 stable cluster solutions that grouped symptoms on a positive to negative spectrum. Objective features (actigraphy, speech) expanded the cluster solution granularity. Using a 5 state solution with questionnaire and actigraphy data, we found significant correlations between cluster properties and assessments of disability and quality-of-life. The correlation coefficient values showed an ordinal distinction, confirming the cluster ranking on a negative to positive spectrum. This suggests we captured novel, distinct Pain Patient States with this approach, even when multiple clusters were equated on pain magnitude. Relative to using complex time courses of many variables, Pain Patient States holds promise as an interpretable, useful, and actionable metric for a clinician or caregiver to simplify and provide timely delivery of care.
2022-12-21 A hidden Markov modeling approach combining objective measure of activity and subjective measure of self-reported sleep to estimate the sleep-wake cycle Semhar B. Ogbagaber 2212.11224v1 null Characterizing the sleep-wake cycle in adolescents is an important prerequisite to better understand the association of abnormal sleep patterns with subsequent clinical and behavioral outcomes. The aim of this research was to develop hidden Markov models (HMM) that incorporate both objective (actigraphy) and subjective (sleep log) measures to estimate the sleep-wake cycle using data from the NEXT longitudinal study, a large population-based cohort study. The model was estimated with a negative binomial distribution for the activity counts (1-minute epochs) to account for overdispersion relative to a Poisson process. Furthermore, self-reported measures were dichotomized (for each one-minute interval) and subject to misclassification. We assumed that the unobserved sleep-wake cycle follows a two-state Markov chain with transitional probabilities varying according to a circadian rhythm. Maximum-likelihood estimation using a backward-forward algorithm was applied to fit the longitudinal data on a subject by subject basis. The algorithm was used to reconstruct the sleep-wake cycle from sequences of self-reported sleep and activity data. Furthermore, we conduct simulations to examine the properties of this approach under different observational patterns including both complete and partially observed measurements on each individual.
2022-08-30 Mediation analysis with densities as mediators with an application to iCOMPARE trial Jingru Zhang 2208.13939v1 null Physical activity has long been shown to be associated with biological and physiological performance and risk of diseases. It is of great interest to assess whether the effect of an exposure or intervention on an outcome is mediated through physical activity measured by modern wearable devices such as actigraphy. However, existing methods for mediation analysis focus almost exclusively on mediation variable that is in the Euclidean space, which cannot be applied directly to the actigraphy data of physical activity. Such data is best summarized in the form of an histogram or density. In this paper, we extend the structural equation models (SEMs) to the settings where a density is treated as the mediator to study the indirect mediation effect of physical activity on an outcome. We provide sufficient conditions for identifying the average causal effects of density mediator and present methods for estimating the direct and mediating effects of density on an outcome. We apply our method to the data set from the iCOMPARE trial that compares flexible duty-hour policies and standard duty-hour policies on interns' sleep related outcomes to explore the mediation effect of physical activity on the causal path between flexible duty-hour policies and sleep related outcomes.
2021-11-29 Validating CircaCP: a Generic Sleep-Wake Cycle Detection Algorithm Shanshan Chen 2111.14960v1 link Sleep-wake cycle detection is a key step when extrapolating sleep patterns from actigraphy data. Numerous supervised detection algorithms have been developed with parameters estimated from and optimized for a particular dataset, yet their generalizability from sensor to sensor or study to study is unknown. In this paper, we propose and validate an unsupervised algorithm -- CircaCP -- to detect sleep-wake cycles from minute-by-minute actigraphy data. It first uses a robust cosinor model to estimate circadian rhythm, then searches for a single change point (CP) within each cycle. We used CircaCP to estimate sleep/wake onset times (S/WOTs) from 2125 indviduals' data in the MESA Sleep study and compared the estimated S/WOTs against self-reported S/WOT event markers. Lastly, we quantified the biases between estimated and self-reported S/WOTs, as well as variation in S/WOTs contributed by the two methods, using linear mixed-effects models and variance component analysis. On average, SOTs estimated by CircaCP were five minutes behind those reported by event markers, and WOTs estimated by CircaCP were less than one minute behind those reported by markers. These differences accounted for less than 0.2% variability in SOTs and in WOTs, taking into account other sources of between-subject variations. By focusing on the commonality in human circadian rhythms captured by actigraphy, our algorithm transferred seamlessly from hip-worn ActiGraph data collected from children in our previous study to wrist-worn Actiwatch data collected from adults. The large between- and within-subject variability highlights the need for estimating individual-level S/WOTs when conducting actigraphy research. The generalizability of our algorithm also suggests that it could be widely applied to actigraphy data collected by other wearable sensors.
2021-07-08 Circadian Rhythms are Not Captured Equal: Exploring Circadian Metrics Extracted by Different Computational Methods from Smartphone Accelerometer and GPS Sensors in Daily Life Tracking Congyu Wu 2107.04135v1 null Circadian rhythm is the natural biological cycle manifested in human daily routines. A regular and stable rhythm is found to be correlated with good physical and mental health. With the wide adoption of mobile and wearable technology, many types of sensor data, such as GPS and actigraphy, provide evidence for researchers to objectively quantify the circadian rhythm of a user and further use these quantified metrics of circadian rhythm to infer the user's health status. Researchers in computer science and psychology have investigated circadian rhythm using various mobile and wearable sensors in ecologically valid human sensing studies, but questions remain whether and how different data types produce different circadian rhythm results when simultaneously used to monitor a user. We hypothesize that different sensor data reveal different aspects of the user's daily behavior, thus producing different circadian rhythm patterns. In this paper we focus on two data types: GPS and accelerometer data from smartphones. We used smartphone data from 225 college student participants and applied four circadian rhythm characterization methods. We found significant and interesting discrepancies in the rhythmic patterns discovered among sensors, which suggests circadian rhythms discovered from different personal tracking sensors have different levels of sensitivity to device usage and aspects of daily behavior.
2021-07-01 Long-Short Ensemble Network for Bipolar Manic-Euthymic State Recognition Based on Wrist-worn Sensors Ulysse Côté-Allard 2107.00710v3 link Manic episodes of bipolar disorder can lead to uncritical behaviour and delusional psychosis, often with destructive consequences for those affected and their surroundings. Early detection and intervention of a manic episode are crucial to prevent escalation, hospital admission and premature death. However, people with bipolar disorder may not recognize that they are experiencing a manic episode and symptoms such as euphoria and increased productivity can also deter affected individuals from seeking help. This work proposes to perform user-independent, automatic mood-state detection based on actigraphy and electrodermal activity acquired from a wrist-worn device during mania and after recovery (euthymia). This paper proposes a new deep learning-based ensemble method leveraging long (20h) and short (5 minutes) time-intervals to discriminate between the mood-states. When tested on 47 bipolar patients, the proposed classification scheme achieves an average accuracy of 91.59% in euthymic/manic mood-state recognition.
2021-05-05 Activity-Aware Deep Cognitive Fatigue Assessment using Wearables Mohammad Arif Ul Alam 2105.02824v1 null Cognitive fatigue has been a common problem among workers which has become an increasing global problem since the emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic. While existing multi-modal wearable sensors-aided automatic cognitive fatigue monitoring tools have focused on physical and physiological sensors (ECG, PPG, Actigraphy) analytic on specific group of people (say gamers, athletes, construction workers), activity-awareness is utmost importance due to its different responses on physiology in different person. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Activity-Aware Recurrent Neural Network (\emph{AcRoNN}), that can generalize individual activity recognition and improve cognitive fatigue estimation significantly. We evaluate and compare our proposed method with state-of-art methods using one real-time collected dataset from 5 individuals and another publicly available dataset from 27 individuals achieving max. 19% improvement.
2021-04-28 Optimizing Rescoring Rules with Interpretable Representations of Long-Term Information Aaron Fisher 2104.14291v1 null Analyzing temporal data (e.g., wearable device data) requires a decision about how to combine information from the recent and distant past. In the context of classifying sleep status from actigraphy, Webster's rescoring rules offer one popular solution based on the long-term patterns in the output of a moving-window model. Unfortunately, the question of how to optimize rescoring rules for any given setting has remained unsolved. To address this problem and expand the possible use cases of rescoring rules, we propose rephrasing these rules in terms of epoch-specific features. Our features take two general forms: (1) the time lag between now and the most recent [or closest upcoming] bout of time spent in a given state, and (2) the length of the most recent [or closest upcoming] bout of time spent in a given state. Given any initial moving window model, these features can be defined recursively, allowing for straightforward optimization of rescoring rules. Joint optimization of the moving window model and the subsequent rescoring rules can also be implemented using gradient-based optimization software, such as Tensorflow. Beyond binary classification problems (e.g., sleep-wake), the same approach can be applied to summarize long-term patterns for multi-state classification problems (e.g., sitting, walking, or stair climbing). We find that optimized rescoring rules improve the performance of sleep-wake classifiers, achieving accuracy comparable to that of certain neural network architectures.
2021-01-05 Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Actigraph Data from Wearable Devices Pierfrancesco Alaimo Di Loro 2101.01624v4 link The majority of Americans fail to achieve recommended levels of physical activity, which leads to numerous preventable health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart diseases. This has generated substantial interest in monitoring human activity to gear interventions toward environmental features that may relate to higher physical activity. Wearable devices, such as wrist-worn sensors that monitor gross motor activity (actigraph units) continuously record the activity levels of a subject, producing massive amounts of high-resolution measurements. Analyzing actigraph data needs to account for spatial and temporal information on trajectories or paths traversed by subjects wearing such devices. Inferential objectives include estimating a subject's physical activity levels along a given trajectory; identifying trajectories that are more likely to produce higher levels of physical activity for a given subject; and predicting expected levels of physical activity in any proposed new trajectory for a given set of health attributes. Here, we devise a Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework for spatial-temporal actigraphy data to deliver fully model-based inference on trajectories while accounting for subject-level health attributes and spatial-temporal dependencies. We undertake a comprehensive analysis of an original dataset from the Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches in Los Angeles (PASTA-LA) study to ascertain spatial zones and trajectories exhibiting significantly higher levels of physical activity while accounting for various sources of heterogeneity.
2020-11-14 Using Convolutional Variational Autoencoders to Predict Post-Trauma Health Outcomes from Actigraphy Data Ayse S. Cakmak 2011.07406v2 null Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are psychiatric conditions commonly associated with experiencing a traumatic event. Estimating mental health status through non-invasive techniques such as activity-based algorithms can help to identify successful early interventions. In this work, we used locomotor activity captured from 1113 individuals who wore a research grade smartwatch post-trauma. A convolutional variational autoencoder (VAE) architecture was used for unsupervised feature extraction from four weeks of actigraphy data. By using VAE latent variables and the participant's pre-trauma physical health status as features, a logistic regression classifier achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.64 to estimate mental health outcomes. The results indicate that the VAE model is a promising approach for actigraphy data analysis for mental health outcomes in long-term studies.
2020-08-06 Fatigue Assessment using ECG and Actigraphy Sensors Yang Bai 2008.02871v2 link Fatigue is one of the key factors in the loss of work efficiency and health-related quality of life, and most fatigue assessment methods were based on self-reporting, which may suffer from many factors such as recall bias. To address this issue, we developed an automated system using wearable sensing and machine learning techniques for objective fatigue assessment. ECG/Actigraphy data were collected from subjects in free-living environments. Preprocessing and feature engineering methods were applied, before interpretable solution and deep learning solution were introduced. Specifically, for interpretable solution, we proposed a feature selection approach which can select less correlated and high informative features for better understanding system's decision-making process. For deep learning solution, we used state-of-the-art self-attention model, based on which we further proposed a consistency self-attention (CSA) mechanism for fatigue assessment. Extensive experiments were conducted, and very promising results were achieved.
2019-06-03 Deep learning from wristband sensor data: towards wearable, non-invasive seizure forecasting Christian Meisel 1906.00511v2 null Seizure forecasting may provide patients with timely warnings to adapt their daily activities and help clinicians deliver more objective, personalized treatments. While recent work has convincingly demonstrated that seizure risk assessment is possible, these early approaches relied largely on complex, often invasive setups including intracranial electrocorticography, implanted devices and multi-channel EEG, which limits translation of these methods to broad clinical application. To facilitate broader adaptation of seizure forecasting in clinical practice, non-invasive, easily applicable techniques that reliably assess seizure risk, in combination with clinical information, are crucial. Wristbands that continuously record physiological parameters, including electrodermal activity, body temperature, blood volume pressure and actigraphy, may afford monitoring of autonomous nervous system function and movement relevant for such a task, hence minimizing potential complications associated with invasive monitoring, and avoiding stigma associated with bulky external monitoring devices on the head. Here, we use deep learning to analyze long-term, multi-modal wristband sensor data from 50 patients with epilepsy (total duration $>$1400 hours) to assess its capability to distinguish preictal from interictal states. Prediction performance is assessed using area under the receiver operating charateristic (AUC) and improvement over chance (IoC) based on F1 scores. Using one- and two-dimensional convolutional neural networks, we identified better-than-chance predictability in out-of-sample test data in 60\% of the patients in leave-one-out and 43\% of patients in pseudo-prospective approaches. These results provide a step towards developing easier to apply, non-invasive methods for seizure risk assessments in patients with epilepsy.
2019-03-28 A Generic Algorithm for Sleep-Wake Cycle Detection using Unlabeled Actigraphy Data Shanshan Chen 1904.05313v1 null One key component when analyzing actigraphy data for sleep studies is sleep-wake cycle detection. Most detection algorithms rely on accurate sleep diary labels to generate supervised classifiers, with parameters optimized for a particular dataset. However, once the actigraphy trackers are deployed in the field, labels for training models and validating detection accuracy are often not available. In this paper, we propose a generic, training-free algorithm to detect sleep-wake cycles from minute-by-minute actigraphy. Leveraging a robust nonlinear parametric model, our proposed method refines the detection region by searching for a single change point within bounded regions defined by the parametric model. Challenged by the absence of ground truth labels, we also propose an evaluation metric dedicated to this problem. Tested on week-long actigraphy from 112 children, the results show that the proposed algorithm improves on the baseline model consistently and significantly (p<3e-15). Moreover, focusing on the commonality in human circadian rhythm captured by actigraphy, the proposed method is generic to data collected by various actigraphy trackers, circumventing the laborious label collection step in developing customized classifiers for sleep detection.
2019-02-10 Classifying attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with non-linearities in actigraphy Jeremi K. Ochab 1902.03530v1 null Objective This study provides an objective measure based on actigraphy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis in children. We search for motor activity features that could allow further investigation into their association with other neurophysiological disordered traits. Method The study involved $n=29$ (48 eligible) male participants aged $9.89\pm0.92$ years (8 controls, and 7 in each group: ADHD combined subtype, ADHD hyperactive-impulsive subtype, and autism spectrum disorder, ASD) wearing a wristwatch actigraph continuously for a week ($9\%$ losses in daily records) in two acquisition modes. We analyzed 47 quantities: from sleep duration or movement intensity to theory-driven scaling exponents or non-linear prediction errors of both diurnal and nocturnal activity. We used them in supervised classification to obtain cross-validated diagnostic performance. Results We report the best performing measures, including a nearest neighbors 4-feature classifier providing $69.4\pm1.6\%$ accuracy, $78.0\pm2.2\%$ sensitivity and $60.8\pm2.6\%$ specificity in a binary ADHD vs control classification and $46.5\pm1.1\%$ accuracy (against $25\%$ baseline), $61.8\pm1.4\%$ sensitivity and $79.30 \pm0.43\%$ specificity in 4-class task (two ADHD subtypes, ASD, and control). The most informative feature is skewness of the shape of Zero Crossing Mode (ZCM) activity. Mean and standard deviation of nocturnal activity are among the least informative. Conclusion Actigraphy causes only minor discomfort to the subjects and is inexpensive. The range of existing mathematical and machine learning tools also allow it to be a useful add-on test for ADHD or differential diagnosis between ADHD subtypes. The study was limited to a small, male sample without the inattentive ADHD subtype.
2018-12-03 A Hidden Markov Model Based Unsupervised Algorithm for Sleep/Wake Identification Using Actigraphy Xinyue Li 1812.00553v2 null Actigraphy is widely used in sleep studies but lacks a universal unsupervised algorithm for sleep/wake identification. In this study, we proposed a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based unsupervised algorithm that can automatically and effectively infer sleep/wake states. It is an individualized data-driven approach that analyzes actigraphy from each individual respectively to learn activity characteristics and further separate sleep and wake states. We used Actiwatch and polysomnography (PSG) data from 43 individuals in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis to evaluate the performance of our method. Epoch-by-epoch comparisons were made between our HMM algorithm and that embedded in the Actiwatch software (AS). The percent agreement between HMM and PSG was 85.7%, and that between AS and PSG was 84.7%. Positive predictive values for sleep epochs were 85.6% and 84.6% for HMM and AS, respectively, and 95.5% and 85.6% for wake epochs. Both methods have similar performance and tend to overestimate sleep and underestimate wake compared to PSG. Our HMM approach is able to quantify the variability in activity counts that allow us to differentiate relatively active and sedentary individuals: individuals with higher estimated variabilities tend to show more frequent sedentary behaviors. In conclusion, our unsupervised data-driven HMM algorithm achieves slightly better performance compared to the commonly used algorithm in the Actiwatch software. HMM can help expand the application of actigraphy in large-scale studies and in cases where intrusive PSG is hard to acquire or unavailable. In addition, the estimated HMM parameters can characterize individual activity patterns that can be utilized for further analysis.
2018-08-20 Bayesian Function-on-Scalars Regression for High Dimensional Data Daniel R. Kowal 1808.06689v2 null We develop a fully Bayesian framework for function-on-scalars regression with many predictors. The functional data response is modeled nonparametrically using unknown basis functions, which produces a flexible and data-adaptive functional basis. We incorporate shrinkage priors that effectively remove unimportant scalar covariates from the model and reduce sensitivity to the number of (unknown) basis functions. For variable selection in functional regression, we propose a decision theoretic posterior summarization technique, which identifies a subset of covariates that retains nearly the predictive accuracy of the full model. Our approach is broadly applicable for Bayesian functional regression models, and unlike existing methods provides joint rather than marginal selection of important predictor variables. Computationally scalable posterior inference is achieved using a Gibbs sampler with linear time complexity in the number of predictors. The resulting algorithm is empirically faster than existing frequentist and Bayesian techniques, and provides joint estimation of model parameters, prediction and imputation of functional trajectories, and uncertainty quantification via the posterior distribution. A simulation study demonstrates improvements in estimation accuracy, uncertainty quantification, and variable selection relative to existing alternatives. The methodology is applied to actigraphy data to investigate the association between intraday physical activity and responses to a sleep questionnaire.
2018-04-25 The Intelligent ICU Pilot Study: Using Artificial Intelligence Technology for Autonomous Patient Monitoring Anis Davoudi 1804.10201v2 null Currently, many critical care indices are repetitively assessed and recorded by overburdened nurses, e.g. physical function or facial pain expressions of nonverbal patients. In addition, many essential information on patients and their environment are not captured at all, or are captured in a non-granular manner, e.g. sleep disturbance factors such as bright light, loud background noise, or excessive visitations. In this pilot study, we examined the feasibility of using pervasive sensing technology and artificial intelligence for autonomous and granular monitoring of critically ill patients and their environment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). As an exemplar prevalent condition, we also characterized delirious and non-delirious patients and their environment. We used wearable sensors, light and sound sensors, and a high-resolution camera to collected data on patients and their environment. We analyzed collected data using deep learning and statistical analysis. Our system performed face detection, face recognition, facial action unit detection, head pose detection, facial expression recognition, posture recognition, actigraphy analysis, sound pressure and light level detection, and visitation frequency detection. We were able to detect patient's face (Mean average precision (mAP)=0.94), recognize patient's face (mAP=0.80), and their postures (F1=0.94). We also found that all facial expressions, 11 activity features, visitation frequency during the day, visitation frequency during the night, light levels, and sound pressure levels during the night were significantly different between delirious and non-delirious patients (p-value<0.05). In summary, we showed that granular and autonomous monitoring of critically ill patients and their environment is feasible and can be used for characterizing critical care conditions and related environment factors.
2018-03-31 Continuous Circadian Phase Estimation Using Adaptive Notch Filter Wei Qiao 1804.00115v1 null Actigraphy has been widely used for the analysis of circadian rhythm. Current practice applies regression analysis to data from multiple days to estimate the circadian phase. This paper presents a filtering method for online processing of biometric data to estimate the circadian phase. We apply the proposed method on actigraphy data of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster).
2018-02-22 Actigraphy-based Sleep/Wake Pattern Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks Lena Granovsky 1802.07945v1 null Common medical conditions are often associated with sleep abnormalities. Patients with medical disorders often suffer from poor sleep quality compared to healthy individuals, which in turn may worsen the symptoms of the disorder. Accurate detection of sleep/wake patterns is important in developing personalized digital markers, which can be used for objective measurements and efficient disease management. Big Data technologies and advanced analytics methods hold the promise to revolutionize clinical research processes, enabling the effective blending of digital data into clinical trials. Actigraphy, a non-invasive activity monitoring method is heavily used to detect and evaluate activities and movement disorders, and assess sleep/wake behavior. In order to study the connection between sleep/wake patterns and a cluster headache disorder, activity data was collected using a wearable device in the course of a clinical trial. This study presents two novel modeling schemes that utilize Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to identify sleep/wake states. The proposed methods are a sequential CNN, reminiscent of the bi-directional CNN for slot filling, and a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) based model. Furthermore, we expand standard "Sleep" and "Wake" activity states space by adding the "Falling asleep" and "Siesta" states. We show that the proposed methods provide promising results in accurate detection of the expanded sleep/wake states. Finally, we explore the relations between the detected sleep/wake patterns and onset of cluster headache attacks, and present preliminary observations.
2017-12-27 Co-Morbidity Exploration on Wearables Activity Data Using Unsupervised Pre-training and Multi-Task Learning Karan Aggarwal 1712.09527v1 null Physical activity and sleep play a major role in the prevention and management of many chronic conditions. It is not a trivial task to understand their impact on chronic conditions. Currently, data from electronic health records (EHRs), sleep lab studies, and activity/sleep logs are used. The rapid increase in the popularity of wearable health devices provides a significant new data source, making it possible to track the user's lifestyle real-time through web interfaces, both to consumer as well as their healthcare provider, potentially. However, at present there is a gap between lifestyle data (e.g., sleep, physical activity) and clinical outcomes normally captured in EHRs. This is a critical barrier for the use of this new source of signal for healthcare decision making. Applying deep learning to wearables data provides a new opportunity to overcome this barrier. To address the problem of the unavailability of clinical data from a major fraction of subjects and unrepresentative subject populations, we propose a novel unsupervised (task-agnostic) time-series representation learning technique called act2vec. act2vec learns useful features by taking into account the co-occurrence of activity levels along with periodicity of human activity patterns. The learned representations are then exploited to boost the performance of disorder-specific supervised learning models. Furthermore, since many disorders are often related to each other, a phenomenon referred to as co-morbidity, we use a multi-task learning framework for exploiting the shared structure of disorder inducing life-style choices partially captured in the wearables data. Empirical evaluation using actigraphy data from 4,124 subjects shows that our proposed method performs and generalizes substantially better than the conventional time-series symbolic representational methods and task-specific deep learning models.
2017-12-18 Activity and Circadian Rhythm of Sepsis Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Anis Davoudi 1712.06631v1 null Early mobilization of critically ill patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) can prevent adverse outcomes such as delirium and post-discharge physical impairment. To date, no studies have characterized activity of sepsis patients in the ICU using granular actigraphy data. This study characterizes the activity of sepsis patients in the ICU to aid in future mobility interventions. We have compared the actigraphy features of 24 patients in four groups: Chronic Critical Illness (CCI) sepsis patients in the ICU, Rapid Recovery (RR) sepsis patients in the ICU, non-sepsis ICU patients (control-ICU), and healthy subjects. We used several statistical and circadian rhythm features extracted from the patients' actigraphy data collected over a five-day period. Our results show that the four groups are significantly different in terms of activity features. In addition, we observed that the CCI and control-ICU patients show less regularity in their circadian rhythm compared to the RR patients. These results show the potential of using actigraphy data for guiding mobilization practices, classifying sepsis recovery subtype, as well as for tracking patients' recovery.
2017-11-02 Sleep Stage Classification Based on Multi-level Feature Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks via Wearable Device Xin Zhang 1711.00629v1 null This paper proposes a practical approach for automatic sleep stage classification based on a multi-level feature learning framework and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) classifier using heart rate and wrist actigraphy derived from a wearable device. The feature learning framework is designed to extract low- and mid-level features. Low-level features capture temporal and frequency domain properties and mid-level features learn compositions and structural information of signals. Since sleep staging is a sequential problem with long-term dependencies, we take advantage of RNNs with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) architectures for sequence data learning. To simulate the actual situation of daily sleep, experiments are conducted with a resting group in which sleep is recorded in resting state, and a comprehensive group in which both resting sleep and non-resting sleep are included.We evaluate the algorithm based on an eight-fold cross validation to classify five sleep stages (W, N1, N2, N3, and REM). The proposed algorithm achieves weighted precision, recall and F1 score of 58.0%, 60.3%, and 58.2% in the resting group and 58.5%, 61.1%, and 58.5% in the comprehensive group, respectively. Various comparison experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of feature learning and BLSTM. We further explore the influence of depth and width of RNNs on performance. Our method is specially proposed for wearable devices and is expected to be applicable for long-term sleep monitoring at home. Without using too much prior domain knowledge, our method has the potential to generalize sleep disorder detection.
2017-05-10 Visualization of Wearable Data and Biometrics for Analysis and Recommendations in Childhood Obesity Michael Aupetit 1705.03691v1 null Obesity is one of the major health risk factors be- hind the rise of non-communicable conditions. Understanding the factors influencing obesity is very complex since there are many variables that can affect the health behaviors leading to it. Nowadays, multiple data sources can be used to study health behaviors, such as wearable sensors for physical activity and sleep, social media, mobile and health data. In this paper we describe the design of a dashboard for the visualization of actigraphy and biometric data from a childhood obesity camp in Qatar. This dashboard allows quantitative discoveries that can be used to guide patient behavior and orient qualitative research.
2017-02-13 On multifractals: a non-linear study of actigraphy data Lucas Gabriel Souza França 1702.03912v2 link This work aimed, to determine the characteristics of activity series from fractal geometry concepts application, in addition to evaluate the possibility of identifying individuals with fibromyalgia. Activity level data were collected from 27 healthy subjects and 27 fibromyalgia patients, with the use of clock-like devices equipped with accelerometers, for about four weeks, all day long. The activity series were evaluated through fractal and multifractal methods. Hurst exponent analysis exhibited values according to other studies ($H>0.5$) for both groups ($H=0.98\pm0.04$ for healthy subjects and $H=0.97\pm0.03$ for fibromyalgia patients), however, it is not possible to distinguish between the two groups by such analysis. Activity time series also exhibited a multifractal pattern. A paired analysis of the spectra indices for the sleep and awake states revealed differences between healthy subjects and fibromyalgia patients. The individuals feature differences between awake and sleep states, having statistically significant differences for $\alpha_{q-} - \alpha_{0}$ in healthy subjects ($p = 0.014$) and $D_{0}$ for patients with fibromyalgia ($p = 0.013$). The approach has proven to be an option on the characterisation of such kind of signals and was able to differ between both healthy and fibromyalgia groups. This outcome suggests changes in the physiologic mechanisms of movement control.
2016-09-12 Hearables: Multimodal physiological in-ear sensing Valentin Goverdovsky 1609.03330v2 null Future health systems require the means to assess and track the neural and physiological function of a user over long periods of time and in the community. Human body responses are manifested through multiple modalities, such as the mechanical, electrical and chemical; yet current physiological monitors (actigraphy, heart rate) largely lack in both the desired cross-modal and non-stigmatizing aspects. We address these challenges through an inconspicuous and comfortable earpiece, equipped with miniature multimodal sensors, which benefits from the relatively stable position of the ear canal with respect to vital organs to robustly measure the brain, cardiac and respiratory functions. Comprehensive experiments validate each modality within the proposed earpiece, while its potential in health monitoring is illustrated through case studies. We further demonstrate how combining data from multiple sensors within such an integrated wearable device improves both the accuracy of measurements and the ability to deal with artifacts in real-life scenarios.
2016-07-30 Learning Tree-Structured Detection Cascades for Heterogeneous Networks of Embedded Devices Hamid Dadkhahi 1608.00159v4 null In this paper, we present a new approach to learning cascaded classifiers for use in computing environments that involve networks of heterogeneous and resource-constrained, low-power embedded compute and sensing nodes. We present a generalization of the classical linear detection cascade to the case of tree-structured cascades where different branches of the tree execute on different physical compute nodes in the network. Different nodes have access to different features, as well as access to potentially different computation and energy resources. We concentrate on the problem of jointly learning the parameters for all of the classifiers in the cascade given a fixed cascade architecture and a known set of costs required to carry out the computation at each node.To accomplish the objective of joint learning of all detectors, we propose a novel approach to combining classifier outputs during training that better matches the hard cascade setting in which the learned system will be deployed. This work is motivated by research in the area of mobile health where energy efficient real time detectors integrating information from multiple wireless on-body sensors and a smart phone are needed for real-time monitoring and delivering just- in-time adaptive interventions. We apply our framework to two activity recognition datasets as well as the problem of cigarette smoking detection from a combination of wrist-worn actigraphy data and respiration chest band data.
2016-07-24 Impact of Physical Activity on Sleep:A Deep Learning Based Exploration Aarti Sathyanarayana 1607.07034v1 null The importance of sleep is paramount for maintaining physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Though the relationship between sleep and physical activity is known to be important, it is not yet fully understood. The explosion in popularity of actigraphy and wearable devices, provides a unique opportunity to understand this relationship. Leveraging this information source requires new tools to be developed to facilitate data-driven research for sleep and activity patient-recommendations. In this paper we explore the use of deep learning to build sleep quality prediction models based on actigraphy data. We first use deep learning as a pure model building device by performing human activity recognition (HAR) on raw sensor data, and using deep learning to build sleep prediction models. We compare the deep learning models with those build using classical approaches, i.e. logistic regression, support vector machines, random forest and adaboost. Secondly, we employ the advantage of deep learning with its ability to handle high dimensional datasets. We explore several deep learning models on the raw wearable sensor output without performing HAR or any other feature extraction. Our results show that using a convolutional neural network on the raw wearables output improves the predictive value of sleep quality from physical activity, by an additional 8% compared to state-of-the-art non-deep learning approaches, which itself shows a 15% improvement over current practice. Moreover, utilizing deep learning on raw data eliminates the need for data pre-processing and simplifies the overall workflow to analyze actigraphy data for sleep and physical activity research.