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Smart ring

smart ring

Publish Date Title Authors PDF Code Abstract
2023-07-27 Cavity-Mediated Molecular Entanglement and Generation of Non-Classical States of Light Davis M. Welakuh 2307.15047v1 null The generation and control of entanglement in a quantum mechanical system is a critical element of nearly all quantum applications. Molecular systems are a promising candidate, with numerous degrees of freedom able to be targeted. However, knowledge of inter-system entanglement mechanisms in such systems is limited. In this work, we demonstrate the generation of entanglement between vibrational degrees of freedom in molecules via strong coupling to a cavity mode driven by a weak coherent field. In a bi-molecular system, we show entanglement can not only be generated between the cavity and molecular system, but also between molecules. This process also results in the generation of non-classical states of light, providing potential pathways for harnessing entanglement in molecular systems.
2023-07-27 Demazure operators for double cosets Ben Elias 2307.15021v1 null For any Coxeter system, and any double coset for two standard parabolic subgroups, we introduce a Demazure operator. These operators form a basis for morphism spaces in a category we call the nilCoxeter category, and we also present this category by generators and relations. We prove a generalization to this context of Demazure's celebrated theorem on Frobenius extensions. This generalized theorem serves as a criterion for ensuring the proper behavior of singular Soergel bimodules.
2023-07-27 Rationality for arbitrary closure operations and the test ideal of full extended plus closure Zhan Jiang 2307.14958v1 null We extend the notion of F-rationality to other closure operations, inspired by the work of Smith, Epstein and Schwede, and Ma and Schwede, which describe F-rationality in terms of the canonical module and top local cohomology module. We give conditions for a closure operation cl on a Cohen-Macaulay complete local ring under which cl-rationality is equivalent to parameter ideals being cl-closed. We also demonstrate that full extended plus closure as defined by Heitmann and weak full extended plus closure as defined by the first named author have no big test elements.
2023-07-27 On integral decomposition of unipotent elements in integral group rings Geoffrey Janssens 2307.14820v1 null Jespers and Sun conjectured that if a finite group $G$ has the property ND, i.e. for any nilpotent element $n$ in the integral group ring $\mathbb{Z}G$ and any primitive central idempotent $e \in \mathbb{Q}G$ one still has $ne \in \mathbb{Z}G$, then at most one of the simple components of the group algebra $\mathbb{Q} G$ has reduced degree bigger than $1$. With the exception of one very special series of groups we are able to answer their conjecture, showing that it is true - up to exactly one exception. To do so we first describe groups with the so-called SN property which was introduced by Liu and Passman in their investigation of the Multiplicative Jordan Decomposition for integral group rings. We then study further objects connected to the property ND. This concerns on one hand a certain section of the unit group of $\Z G$ which measures how far $G$ is from having ND and about which Jespers and Sun posed two further questions which we answer. On the other hand we introduce two properties which appeared naturally in these investigations: one is purely representation-theoretic, while the other can be regarded as indicating that it might be hard to decide ND. Among others we show these two notions are equivalent for groups with SN.
2023-07-27 Smart Contract Migration: Security Analysis and Recommendations from Ethereum to Arbitrum Xueyan Tang 2307.14773v1 null This research aims to explore the security risks posed by compatibility and protocol differences in smart contract migration, using the migration of smart contracts from Ethereum to Arbitrum as a case study. Through literature review, online data collection, expert participation, and analysis of smart contract vulnerability cases, this paper conducts an in-depth research of the differences between Ethereum and Arbitrum in areas such as Messaging, Block Properties, Contract Address Alias, and Gas Fees. The research findings indicate the presence of certain security issues during the migration process from Ethereum to Arbitrum, such as abnormal operation of the sequencer resulting in outdated off-chain data retrieval, time-based logical errors, failed permission checks, DOS attacks, and gas loss due to L1-to-L2 transaction failures. To address these security issues, this paper proposes corresponding solutions and recommendations to ensure the security and meet the requirements of the migration process. Additionally, this research emphasizes the continued attention and support for the security issues of smart contract migration through the case of smart contract migration from Ethereum to Arbitrum. It is worth noting that this research is the first in-depth research of smart contract security migration from Ethereum to Arbitrum.
2023-07-27 Smooth modules over the N=1 Bondi-Metzner-Sachs superalgebra Dong Liu 2307.14608v1 null In this paper, we present a determinant formula for the contravariant form on Verma modules over the N=1 Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) superalgebra. This formula establishes a necessary and sufficient condition for the irreducibility of the Verma modules. We then introduce and characterize a class of simple smooth modules that generalize both Verma and Whittaker modules over the N=1 BMS superalgebra. We also utilize the Heisenberg-Clifford vertex superalgebra to construct a free field realization for the N=1 BMS superalgebra. This free field realization allows us to obtain a family of natural smooth modules over the N=1 BMS superalgebra, which includes Fock modules and certain Whittaker modules.
2023-07-27 Accelerating Polynomial Modular Multiplication with Crossbar-Based Compute-in-Memory Mengyuan Li 2307.14557v1 null Lattice-based cryptographic algorithms built on ring learning with error theory are gaining importance due to their potential for providing post-quantum security. However, these algorithms involve complex polynomial operations, such as polynomial modular multiplication (PMM), which is the most time-consuming part of these algorithms. Accelerating PMM is crucial to make lattice-based cryptographic algorithms widely adopted by more applications. This work introduces a novel high-throughput and compact PMM accelerator, X-Poly, based on the crossbar (XB)-type compute-in-memory (CIM). We identify the most appropriate PMM algorithm for XB-CIM. We then propose a novel bit-mapping technique to reduce the area and energy of the XB-CIM fabric, and conduct processing engine (PE)-level optimization to increase memory utilization and support different problem sizes with a fixed number of XB arrays. X-Poly design achieves 3.1X10^6 PMM operations/s throughput and offers 200X latency improvement compared to the CPU-based implementation. It also achieves 3.9X throughput per area improvement compared with the state-of-the-art CIM accelerators.
2023-07-26 On the dimension of cofinite modules Majid Rahro Zargar 2307.14513v1 null Let $I$ be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian complete local ring $R$. In the present paper, we establish the equality $\dim R/(I+\Ann_R M)=\dim M$ for all $I$-cofinite $R$-modules $M$.
2023-07-26 Characterizing Rickart and Baer ultragraph Leavitt path algebras Mitchell Jubeir 2307.14431v1 null We characterize ultragraph Leavitt path algebras that are Rickart, locally Rickart, graded Rickart, and graded Rickart -rings. We also characterize ultragraph Leavitt path algebras that are Baer, locally Baer, graded Baer, Baer -rings, and combinations of these. These characterizations build on and generalize the work of Hazrat and Vas on Leavitt path algebras over fields to ultragraph Leavitt path algebras over semi-simple commutative unital rings.
2023-07-26 Commuting Line Defects At $q^N=1$ Davide Gaiotto 2307.14429v1 null We explain the physical origin of a curious property of algebras $\mathcal{A}\mathfrak{q}$ which encode the rotation-equivariant fusion ring of half-BPS line defects in four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric quantum field theories. These algebras are a quantization of the algebras of holomorphic functions on the three-dimensional Coulomb branch of the SQFTs, with deformation parameter $\log \mathfrak{q}$. They are known to acquire a large center, canonically isomorphic to the undeformed algebra, whenever $\mathfrak{q}$ is a root of unity. We give a physical explanation of this fact. We also generalize the construction to characterize the action of this center in the $\mathcal{A}\mathfrak{q}$-modules associated to three-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ boundary conditions. Finally, we use dualities to relate this construction to a construction in the Kapustin-Witten twist of four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=4$ gauge theory. These considerations give simple physical explanations of certain properties of quantized skein algebras and cluster varieties, and quantum groups, when the deformation parameter is a root of unity.
2023-07-26 Event-based Vision for Early Prediction of Manipulation Actions Daniel Deniz 2307.14332v1 null Neuromorphic visual sensors are artificial retinas that output sequences of asynchronous events when brightness changes occur in the scene. These sensors offer many advantages including very high temporal resolution, no motion blur and smart data compression ideal for real-time processing. In this study, we introduce an event-based dataset on fine-grained manipulation actions and perform an experimental study on the use of transformers for action prediction with events. There is enormous interest in the fields of cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction on understanding and predicting human actions as early as possible. Early prediction allows anticipating complex stages for planning, enabling effective and real-time interaction. Our Transformer network uses events to predict manipulation actions as they occur, using online inference. The model succeeds at predicting actions early on, building up confidence over time and achieving state-of-the-art classification. Moreover, the attention-based transformer architecture allows us to study the role of the spatio-temporal patterns selected by the model. Our experiments show that the Transformer network captures action dynamic features outperforming video-based approaches and succeeding with scenarios where the differences between actions lie in very subtle cues. Finally, we release the new event dataset, which is the first in the literature for manipulation action recognition. Code will be available at
2023-07-26 Simulation of Open Quantum Systems via Low-Depth Convex Unitary Evolutions Joseph Peetz 2307.14325v2 null Simulating physical systems on quantum devices is one of the most promising applications of quantum technology. Current quantum approaches to simulating open quantum systems are still practically challenging on NISQ-era devices, because they typically require ancilla qubits and extensive controlled sequences. In this work, we propose a hybrid quantum-classical approach for simulating a class of open system dynamics called random-unitary channels. These channels naturally decompose into a series of convex unitary evolutions, which can then be efficiently sampled and run as independent circuits. The method does not require deep ancilla frameworks and thus can be implemented with lower noise costs. We implement simulations of open quantum systems up to dozens of qubits and with large channel rank.
2023-07-26 Large-scale Fully-Unsupervised Re-Identification Gabriel Bertocco 2307.14278v1 null Fully-unsupervised Person and Vehicle Re-Identification have received increasing attention due to their broad applicability in surveillance, forensics, event understanding, and smart cities, without requiring any manual annotation. However, most of the prior art has been evaluated in datasets that have just a couple thousand samples. Such small-data setups often allow the use of costly techniques in time and memory footprints, such as Re-Ranking, to improve clustering results. Moreover, some previous work even pre-selects the best clustering hyper-parameters for each dataset, which is unrealistic in a large-scale fully-unsupervised scenario. In this context, this work tackles a more realistic scenario and proposes two strategies to learn from large-scale unlabeled data. The first strategy performs a local neighborhood sampling to reduce the dataset size in each iteration without violating neighborhood relationships. A second strategy leverages a novel Re-Ranking technique, which has a lower time upper bound complexity and reduces the memory complexity from O(n^2) to O(kn) with k << n. To avoid the pre-selection of specific hyper-parameter values for the clustering algorithm, we also present a novel scheduling algorithm that adjusts the density parameter during training, to leverage the diversity of samples and keep the learning robust to noisy labeling. Finally, due to the complementary knowledge learned by different models, we also introduce a co-training strategy that relies upon the permutation of predicted pseudo-labels, among the backbones, with no need for any hyper-parameters or weighting optimization. The proposed methodology outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in well-known benchmarks and in the challenging large-scale Veri-Wild dataset, with a faster and memory-efficient Re-Ranking strategy, and a large-scale, noisy-robust, and ensemble-based learning approach.
2023-07-26 Distributions of the Density and Kinetic Temperature of the Molecular Gas in the Central Region of NGC 613 using Hierarchical Bayesian Inference Hiroyuki Kaneko 2307.14092v1 null We present position-position-velocity (PPV) cubes of the physical and chemical properties of the molecular medium in the central 1.2 kpc region of the active galaxy NGC 613 at a PPV resolution of 0.$^{\prime\prime}$8$\times$0.$^{\prime\prime}$8$\times$10 km s$^{-1}$ (0.$^{\prime\prime}$8 = $\sim$68 pc). We used eight molecular lines obtained with ALMA. Non-LTE calculation with hierarchical Bayesian inference was used to construct PPV cubes of the gas kinetic temperature ($T_\mathrm{kin}$), molecular hydrogen volume density ($n_\mathrm{H_2}$), column densities ($N_\mathrm{H_2}$), and fractional abundances of four molecules ($^{12}$C$^{18}$O, HCN, HCO$^+$, and CS). The derived $n_\mathrm{H_2}$, $N_\mathrm{H_2}$, and $T_\mathrm{kin}$ ranged 10$^{3.21-3.85}$ cm$^{-3}$, 10$^{20.8-22.1}$ cm$^{-2}$, and 10$^{2.33-2.64}$ K, respectively. Our first application of the non-LTE method with the hierarchical Bayesian inference to external galaxies yielded compatible results compared with the previous studies of this galaxy, demonstrating the efficacy of this method for application to other galaxies. We examined the correlation between gas surface density $\Sigma_\mathrm{H_2}$ (converted from $N_\mathrm{H_2}$) and the star formation rate $\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}$ obtained from the 110 GHz continuum flux map and found two distinct sequences in the $\Sigma_\mathrm{H_2}$-$\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}$ diagram; the southwestern subregion of the star-forming ring exhibited a $\sim$0.5 dex higher star formation efficiency (SFE; $\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}/\Sigma_\mathrm{H_2}$) than the eastern subregion. However, they exhibited no systematic difference in $n_\mathrm{H_2}$, which is often argued as a driver of SFE variation. We suggest that the deficiency of molecular gas in the southwestern subregion, where no significant gas supply is evident along the offset ridges in the bar, is responsible for the elevated SFE.
2023-07-26 The cycle class of the supersingular locus of principally polarized abelian varieties Gerard van der Geer 2307.14393v1 null We prove a formula for the cycle class of the supersingular locus in the Chow ring with rational coefficients of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties in characteristic $p$. This formula determines this class as a monomial in the Chern classes of the Hodge bundle up to a factor that is a polynomial in $p$. This factor is known for $g\leq 3$. We determine the factor for $g=4$.
2023-07-26 Topology of light rings for extremal and non-extremal Kerr-Newman Taub-NUT black holes without $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry Shan-Ping Wu 2307.14003v1 null Understanding the light ring, one kind fundamental orbit, shall provide us with novel insight into the astronomical phenomena, such as the ringdown of binary merger and shadow of black holes. Recently, topological approach has preliminarily demonstrated its potential advantages on the properties of the light rings. However, for the black holes without $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry and extremal spinning black holes are remained to be tested. In this paper, we aim at these two issues. Due to the NUT charge, the Kerr-Newman Taub-NUT solution has no $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. By constructing the corresponding topology for the non-extremal spinning black holes, we find the topological number keeps unchanged. This indicates that $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry has no influence on the topological number, while it indeed affects the locations of the light rings and deviates them off the equatorial plane. For the extremal spinning black holes, we find its topology is critically dependent of the leading term of the vector's radial component at the zero point of its angular component on the black hole horizon. The findings state that there exists a topological phase transition, where the topological number changes, for the prograde light rings. While no phase transition occurs for the retrograde light rings. Our study uncovers some universal topological properties for the extremal and non-extremal spinning black holes with or without $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry. It also has enlightening significance on understanding the light rings in a more general black hole background.
2023-07-26 Schubert calculus in Lie groups Haibao Duan 2307.13904v1 null Let $G$ be a simple Lie group with a maximal torus $T$. Combining Schubert calculus in the flag manifold $G/T$ with the Serre spectral sequence of the fibration $G\rightarrow G/T$, we construct the integral cohomology ring $H^{\ast}(G)$ uniformly for all $G$.
2023-07-25 The Core of Bayesian Persuasion Laura Doval 2307.13849v1 null An analyst observes the frequency with which an agent takes actions, but not the frequency with which she takes actions conditional on a payoff relevant state. In this setting, we ask when the analyst can rationalize the agent's choices as the outcome of the agent learning something about the state before taking action. Our characterization marries the obedience approach in information design (Bergemann and Morris, 2016) and the belief approach in Bayesian persuasion (Kamenica and Gentzkow, 2011) relying on a theorem by Strassen (1965) and Hall's marriage theorem. We apply our results to ring-network games and to identify conditions under which a data set is consistent with a public information structure in first-order Bayesian persuasion games.
2023-07-25 The local bisection hypothesis for twisted groupoid C*-algebras Becky Armstrong 2307.13814v1 null In this note, we present criteria that are equivalent to a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid $G$ being effective. One of these conditions is that $G$ satisfies the "C-algebraic local bisection hypothesis"; that is, that every normaliser in the reduced twisted groupoid C-algebra is supported on an open bisection. The semigroup of normalisers plays a fundamental role in our proof, as does the semigroup of normalisers in cyclic group C*-algebras.
2023-07-25 Integration of Digital Twin and Federated Learning for Securing Vehicular Internet of Things Deepti Gupta 2307.13794v1 null In the present era of advanced technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a crucial role in enabling smart connected environments. This includes various domains such as smart homes, smart healthcare, smart cities, smart vehicles, and many others.With ubiquitous smart connected devices and systems, a large amount of data associated with them is at a prime risk from malicious entities (e.g., users, devices, applications) in these systems. Innovative technologies, including cloud computing, Machine Learning (ML), and data analytics, support the development of anomaly detection models for the Vehicular Internet of Things (V-IoT), which encompasses collaborative automatic driving and enhanced transportation systems. However, traditional centralized anomaly detection models fail to provide better services for connected vehicles due to issues such as high latency, privacy leakage, performance overhead, and model drift. Recently, Federated Learning (FL) has gained significant recognition for its ability to address data privacy concerns in the IoT domain. Digital Twin (DT), proves beneficial in addressing uncertain crises and data security issues by creating a virtual replica that simulates various factors, including traffic trajectories, city policies, and vehicle utilization. However, the effectiveness of a V-IoT DT system heavily relies on the collection of long-term and high-quality data to make appropriate decisions. This paper introduces a Hierarchical Federated Learning (HFL) based anomaly detection model for V-IoT, aiming to enhance the accuracy of the model. Our proposed model integrates both DT and HFL approaches to create a comprehensive system for detecting malicious activities using an anomaly detection model. Additionally, real-world V-IoT use case scenarios are presented to demonstrate the application of the proposed model.
2023-07-25 Keck Near-Infrared Detections of Mab and Perdita Edward M. Molter 2307.13773v1 null We report the first near-infrared detection of Uranus's tiny moon Mab, the presumed source of the blue and diffuse $\mu$ ring, using the NIRC2 instrument at Keck Observatory. The detection was permitted by an updated shift-and-stack procedure allowing us to integrate on Mab as it moved across the detector in 23 separate exposures taken over $\sim$2 hours, as well as the very low (0.02$^{\circ}$) phase angle at the time of observation. At this phase angle, Mab has an integrated I/F of 24 $\pm$ 3 km$^2$ at 1.6 $\mu$m and $\lesssim$37 km$^2$ at 2.1 $\mu$m. Comparing these values with Mab's visible reflectance as derived by HST reveals that Mab is spectrally blue; its (0.5 $\mu$m)/(1.6 $\mu$m) color is more consistent with Miranda's value than Puck's value. Mab is therefore more likely a $\sim$6-km radius body with a Miranda-like surface than a 12-km radius body with a Puck-like surface, in agreement with prior work based on infrared upper limits, but we caution that a Puck-like color is only ruled out at the 2$\sigma$ level. We also report the first infrared photometry of Perdita, finding an integrated I/F of 31 $\pm$ 3 km$^2$ at 1.6 $\mu$m.
2023-07-25 ChildGAN: Large Scale Synthetic Child Facial Data Using Domain Adaptation in StyleGAN Muhammad Ali Farooq 2307.13746v1 null In this research work, we proposed a novel ChildGAN, a pair of GAN networks for generating synthetic boys and girls facial data derived from StyleGAN2. ChildGAN is built by performing smooth domain transfer using transfer learning. It provides photo-realistic, high-quality data samples. A large-scale dataset is rendered with a variety of smart facial transformations: facial expressions, age progression, eye blink effects, head pose, skin and hair color variations, and variable lighting conditions. The dataset comprises more than 300k distinct data samples. Further, the uniqueness and characteristics of the rendered facial features are validated by running different computer vision application tests which include CNN-based child gender classifier, face localization and facial landmarks detection test, identity similarity evaluation using ArcFace, and lastly running eye detection and eye aspect ratio tests. The results demonstrate that synthetic child facial data of high quality offers an alternative to the cost and complexity of collecting a large-scale dataset from real children.
2023-07-25 The GMRT archive atomic gas survey -- II. Mass modelling and dark matter halo properties across late-type spirals Prerana Biswas 2307.13738v1 null Studying the kinematics and mass modelling of galaxies from HI 21 cm data provides valuable insights into the properties of both the baryonic components and the dark matter halo in nearby galaxies. Despite many observational studies, mass modelling of galaxies remains challenging due to different limitations. For example, most of the previous studies involving mass modelling are based on rotation curves derived from two-dimensional velocity fields from HI or H$\alpha$ spectroscopic observation which are often affected by beam smearing and projection effect. However, kinematic modelling done by fitting the "Tilted ring model" to three-dimensional data cube is not affected by these issues. In this study, we present and compare 3D kinematic modelling of a pilot sample of eleven galaxies from the GMRT archive atomic gas survey (GARCIA) using two different publicly available pipelines. We model the observed HI rotation curve using 3.6 $\mu$m infrared data and SDSS r-band data for stellar contribution, HI surface density profile for gas, and Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile for dark matter halo; and employ the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) optimization method for parameter estimation. Further, to validate our analysis, we revisit important scaling relations, e.g., the M${gas}$-M$$ relation, M${star}$-M$$ relation, M${gas}$-M$$ relation and Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR). The scaling relations from our analysis are broadly consistent with that reported in the literature. A larger sample of galaxies from GARCIA in the near future will allow studying these scaling relations in greater details.
2023-07-25 Strong generation & (co)ghost index for module categories Pat Lank 2307.13675v1 null This work is concerned with both strong generation and (co)ghost index in the module category of a commutative noetherian ring. A sufficiency criterion is established for such rings to admit strong generators in their module category, and as a consequence, it answers affirmatively to a question of Iyengar and Takahashi. Moreover, it is shown that any noetherian quasi-excellent ring of finite krull dimension admits strong generators in their module category. Lastly, a local-to-global principle is established for (co)ghost index in the module category, and explicit computations are made.
2023-07-25 A class of rotating metrics in the presence of a scalar field Behrouz Mirza 2307.13588v1 null We consider a class of three parameter static and axially symmetric metrics that reduce to the Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) and $ \gamma$-metrics in certain limits of the parameters. We obtain rotating form of the metrics that are asymptotically flat, stationary and axisymmetric. In certain values of the parameters, the solutions represent the rotating JNW metric, rotating $ \gamma$-metric and Bogush-Gal'tsov (BG) metric. The singularities of rotating metrics are investigated. Using the light-ring method, we obtain the quasi normal modes (QNMs) related to rotating metrics in the eikonal limit. Finally, we investigate the precession frequency of a test gyroscope in the presence of the rotating metrics.
2023-07-25 The homotopy category of monomorphisms between projective modules Abdolnaser Bahlekeh 2307.13559v1 null Let $(S, \n)$ be a commutative noetherian local ring and $\omega\in\n$ be non-zerodivisor. This paper deals with the behavior of the category $\mon(\omega, \cp)$ consisting of all monomorphisms between finitely generated projective $S$-modules with cokernels annihilated by $\omega$. We introduce a homotopy category $\HT\mon(\omega, \cp)$, which is shown to be triangulated. It is proved that this homotopy category embeds into the singularity category of the factor ring $R=S/{(\omega)}$. As an application, not only the existence of almost split sequences {ending at indecomposable non-projective objects of} $\mon(\omega, \cp)$ is proven, but also the Auslander-Reiten translation, $\tau_{\mon}(-)$, is completely recognized. Particularly, it will be observed that any non-projective object of $\mon(\omega, \cp)$ with local endomorphism ring is invariant under the square of the Auslander-Reiten translation.
2023-07-25 Perturbed Block Toeplitz matrices and the non-Hermitian skin effect in dimer systems of subwavelength resonators Habib Ammari 2307.13551v1 null The aim of this paper is fourfold: (i) to obtain explicit formulas for the eigenpairs of perturbed tridiagonal block Toeplitz matrices; (ii) to make use of such formulas in order to provide a mathematical justification of the non-Hermitian skin effect in dimer systems by proving the condensation of the system's bulk eigenmodes at one of the edges of the system; (iii) to show the topological origin of the non-Hermitian skin effect for dimer systems and (iv) to prove localisation of the interface modes between two dimer structures with non-Hermitian gauge potentials of opposite signs based on new estimates of the decay of the entries of the eigenvectors of block matrices with mirrored blocks.
2023-07-25 Earth-based Stellar Occultation Predictions for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Triton: 2023-2050 Richard G. French 2307.13530v1 null In support of studies of decadal-timescale evolution of outer solar system atmospheres and ring systems, we present detailed Earth-based stellar occultation predictions for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Triton for 2023-2050, based on the Gaia DR3 star catalog and near-IR K-band photometry from the 2MASS catalog. We tabulate the number of observable events by year and magnitude interval, reflecting the highly variable frequency of high-SNR events depending on the target's path relative to the star-rich regions of the Milky Way. We identify regions on Earth where each event is potentially observable, and for atmospheric occultations, we determine the latitude of the ingress and egress events. For Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, we also compute the predicted ring occultation event times. We present representative subsets of the predicted events and highlights particularly promising events. Jupiter occultations with K $\leq$7 occur at a cadence of about one per year, with bright events at higher frequency in 2031 and 2043. Saturn occultations are much rarer, with only two predicted events with K $\leq$5 in 2032 and 2047. Ten Uranus ring occultations are predicted with K$\leq$10 for the period 2023 to 2050. Neptune traverses star-poor regions of the sky until 2068, resulting in only 13 predicted occultations for K$\leq$12 between 2023 and 2050. Titan has several high-SNR events between 2029--2031, whereas Triton is limited to a total of 22 occultations with K$\leq$15 between 2023 and 2050. Details of all predicted events are included in the Supplementary Online Material.
2023-07-25 XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL observations of the bright GRB 230307A : vanishing of the local absorption and limits on the dust in the Magellanic Bridge Sandro Mereghetti 2307.13514v1 null 230307A is the second brightest gamma ray burst detected in more than 50 years of observations and is located in the direction of the Magellanic Bridge. Despite its long duration, it is most likely the result of the compact merger of a binary ejected from a galaxy in the local universe (redshift z=0.065). Our XMM-Newton observation of its afterglow at 4.5 days shows a power-law spectrum with photon index $\Gamma =1.73 \pm0.10$, unabsorbed flux $F_{0.3-10\,\rm keV}=(8.8\pm0.5)\times 10^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and no absorption in excess of that produced in our Galaxy and in the Magellanic Bridge. We derive a limit of $N_{\rm H}^{\rm HOST} < 5\times 10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$ on the absorption at the GRB redshift, which is a factor $\sim\,$5 below the value measured during the prompt phase. We searched for the presence of dust scattering rings with negative results and set an upper limit of the order of $A_V<0.05$ on the absorption from dust in the Magellanic Bridge.
2023-07-25 Good codes from twisted group algebras Samir Assuena 2307.13507v1 null In this paper, we shall give an explicit proof that constacyclic codes over finite commutative rings can be realized as ideals in some twisted group rings. Also, we shall study isometries between those codes and, finally, we shall study k-Galois LCD constacyclic codes over finite fields. In particular, we shall characterize constacyclic LCD codes with respect to Euclidean inner product in terms of its idempotent generators and the classical involution using the twisted group algebras structures and find some good LCD codes.