FHIR 中文版

5.0 Administrative Resources

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Track individuals and organizations involved in the provision of healthcare
<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Patient](patient.html)</td><td/><td>Demographics and other administrative information about a person or animal receiving care or other health-related services.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html)</td><td/><td>Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Practitioner](practitioner.html)</td><td/><td>A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Organization](organization.html)</td><td/><td>A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action.  Includes companies, institutions, corporations, departments, community groups, healthcare practice groups, etc.</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="3">

Track general support resources used when healthcare is provided
<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Device](device.html)</td><td/><td>This resource identifies an instance of a manufactured thing that is used in the provision of healthcare without being substantially changed through that activity. The device may be a machine, an insert, a computer, an application, etc. This includes durable (reusable) medical equipment as well as disposable equipment used for diagnostic, treatment, and research for healthcare and public health.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Location](location.html)</td><td/><td>Details and position information for a physical place where services are provided  and resources and participants may be stored, found, contained or accommodated.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Substance](substance.html)</td><td/><td>A homogeneous material with a definite composition.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Group](group.html)</td><td/><td>Represents a defined collection of entities that may be discussed or acted upon collectively but which are not expected to act collectively and are not formally or legally recognized.  I.e. A collection of entities that isn't an Organization.</td></tr>

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Workflow Management
Support for the processes involved in healthcare
<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Encounter](encounter.html)</td><td>Visit</td><td>An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Alert](alert.html)</td><td/><td>Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Supply](supply.html)</td><td/><td>A supply - a  request for something, and provision of what is supplied.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Order](order.html)</td><td>Request</td><td>A request to perform an action.</td></tr>

<tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[OrderResponse](orderresponse.html)</td><td/><td>A response to an order.</td></tr>

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Creation and management of appointments between practitioners, providers, locations and devices (and optionally others) within slots within a schedule.
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    _Note:_ These resources do not currently target an organization's internal clinical appointment scheduling.
    This kind of scheduling often includes highly complex negotiations and interactions with system priorities.

    The PA work-group would appreciate any assistance in updating them to support these types of appointments.

Appointment(informative) A scheduled appointment for a patient and/or practitioner(s) where a service may take place.

    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[AppointmentResponse](appointmentresponse.html)</td><td/><td>(informative) A response to a scheduled appointment for a patient and/or practitioner(s).</td></tr>

    <tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td>[Availability](availability.html)</td><td/><td>(informative) A container for slot(s) of time that may be available for booking appointments.</td></tr>

    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>[Slot](slot.html)</td><td/><td>(informative) A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments.</td></tr>


Additional Resources will be added in the future. A list of hypothesized resources can be found on the
HL7 wiki. Feel free to add any you think are missing or engage with one
of the HL7 Work Groups to submit a
proposal to define a resource of particular interest.

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    &copy; HL7.org 2011 - 2014. FHIR DSTU (v0.2.1-2606) generated on Wed, Jul 2, 2014 16:29+0800.   <!-- [QA Report](qa.html) -->   <!-- achive note -->