FHIR 中文版

2.7 Implementation Support

This page is a registry of the various places where support for
implementations can be found.

2.7.1 Asking Questions

In the first place, implementation questions - how do I do X? - should be asked
on StackOverflow.com using the tag [hl7_fhir].

Stack Overflow Questions about FHIR.

Note that you should not use Stack Overflow to discuss specification design issues. This is a Stack
Overflow rule - see guidance about this.

If your question is about why the specification is how it is, probably the best place to
start is the FHIR wiki, which is the
home for the FHIR development team. Active discussions are found on the FHIR email list.
The development team hangs out on Skype, and you can ask to join the (busy) skype channel.

This general collection of links may also provide additional helpful information:

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