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  • EHR Architecture and Design

    by Jerome Carter on March 25, 2013

    Updated August 26, 2014 (Page is updated monthly on

    the 26th. For more frequent resource alerts, follow** EHR Science on


    _The Architecture and Design page has been created to serve as a resource for those who are interested in building EHR

    systems and/or understanding how they work. To that end, I have included links to EHR standards, open source projects,

    and programming/technology information. Data exchange, decision support, and content-related materials (e.g. SNOMED,

    LOINC) are included only if they directly address issues encountered when designing and building systems._



    Freeman E, Freeman E, Bates B, Sierra K, Robson E. _[Head First Design Patterns](http://www.amazon.com/First-Design-

    Patterns-Elisabeth-Freeman/dp/0596007124)_. 2004

    McLaughlin BD, Pollice G, West D. _[Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design](http://www.amazon.com/Head-First-


    1&keywords=head+first+object+oriented+analysis+and+design)_. 2006

    Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, Second Edition. 2009

    Bass L, Clements P, Kazman R. _[Software Architecture in Practice](http://www.amazon.com/Software-Architecture-Practice-


    +architecture+in+practice+3rd+edition)_, Third Edition. 2012

    **Resource Pages

    ** EHR Data Quality

    NoSQL and Relational Databases <span

    style=”color: #ff0000;”>**



    Object Mentor Resources - Great information on object-

    oriented programminf and software design

    Software Engineering Institute - Among other things, offers a range of resources on software


    The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) - Provides a

    great overview of the main issues/areas of software engineering



    A Robust Health Data Infrastructure, 2014 **<span

    style=”color: #ff0000;”>


    EHR Architecture and Design

    EHR Standards


    [Clinical Decision Support Initiative](http://healthit.ahrq.gov/portal/server.pt/community/ahrq-


    [Children’s Electronic Health Record Format]



    American Society of Testing Materials

    E31 Standards

    Food and Drug Administration

    [Mobile Medical Applications – Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff]

    (http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/UCM263366.pdf), 2013 <span

    style=”color: #ff0000;”>**


    Health Level Seven

    EHR Functional Profiles

    International Standards Organization (ISO)

    TC 25 Health Informatics Standards


    [Health information technology: certification criteria, 2014 edition

    ](http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-09-04/pdf/2012-20982.pdf)[2014 Certification Test Methods]



    Specification documents

    Open Source Projects



    Open EMR

    Open MRS


    Audit trails and data access – these posts discuss MU audit requirements and audit trail design.

    [EHR Design, Timelines, and Audit Trails: Getting a Sense of What Has Happened

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2013/01/14/ehr-design-timelines-and-audit-trails-getting-a-sense-of-what-has-happened/ “EHR Design,

    Timelines, and Audit Trails: Getting a Sense of What Has Happened”)[EHR Design Basics: Tracking Data Changes and Accesses]

    (http://ehrscience.com/2013/01/28/ehr-design-basics-tracking-data-changes-and-accesses/ “EHR Design Basics: Tracking Data

    Changes and Accesses”)

    Representational State Transfer – the basics of REST

    [Coming to REST, Part I: Complexity in EHR Systems

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2013/07/08/coming-to-rest-part-i-complexity-in-ehr-systems/ “Coming to REST, Part I: Complexity in

    EHR Systems”)[Coming to REST, Part II: It’s All About Resources](http://ehrscience.com/2013/07/15/coming-to-rest-part-ii-

    its-all-about-resources/ “Coming to REST, Part II: It’s All About Resources”)



    [From Idea to System: A Story of Architecture and Design

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2013/02/18/from-idea-to-system-a-story-of-architecture-and-design/ “From Idea to System: A Story of

    Architecture and Design”)[Coupling and Cohesion: A View of Software Design from the Inside Out

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2012/11/12/coupling-and-cohesion-a-view-of-software-design-from-the-inside-out-2/ “Coupling and

    Cohesion: A View of Software Design from the Inside Out”)[Software Architecture and Design, First Steps

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2012/02/29/software-architecture-and-design-first-steps/ “Software Architecture and Design, First

    Steps”)[Rethinking the Design of Electronic Health Record Systems

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2012/04/18/rethinking-the-design-of-electronic-health-record-systems/ “Rethinking the Design of

    Electronic Health Record Systems”)[What If EHRs Were More Like Content Management Systems?

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2011/11/16/what-if-ehrs-were-more-like-content-management-systems/ “What If EHRs Were More Like

    Content Management Systems?”)[Moving Beyond Paper-based Thinking in EHR Design

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2013/02/11/moving-beyond-paper-based-thinking-in-ehr-design/ “Moving Beyond Paper-based Thinking in

    EHR Design”)[Requirements, Usability, and Petri Nets](http://ehrscience.com/2013/03/04/requirements-usability-and-petri-

    nets/ “Requirements, Usability, and Petri Nets”)

    Architecture and Design

    Motifs in EHR Research

    [The EHR As an Object Worthy of Study](http://ehrscience.com/2012/10/08/the-ehr-as-an-object-worthy-of-study/ “The EHR As

    an Object Worthy of Study”)

    [EHRs and Architectural Styles, Peeking Under the Hood](http://ehrscience.com/2012/06/27/ehrs-and-architectural-styles-

    peeking-under-the-hood/ “EHRs and Architectural Styles, Peeking Under the Hood”)

    [Investigating NoSQL for EHR Systems: MongoDB](http://ehrscience.com/2013/04/15/investigating-nosql-for-ehr-systems-

    mongodb/ “Investigating NoSQL for EHR Systems: MongoDB”)

    Exchanging Data with JSON

    [SaaS EHRs, MVC, Flexibility and Innovation](http://ehrscience.com/2013/04/01/saas-ehrs-mvc-flexibility-and-innovation/

    “SaaS EHRs, MVC, Flexibility and Innovation”)

    Data Quality

    [Wrestling with EHR Data Quality](http://ehrscience.com/2012/11/26/wrestling-with-ehr-data-quality/ “Wrestling with EHR

    Data Quality”)

    [EHR Data Accuracy—Should You Be Concerned?](http://ehrscience.com/2012/04/09/ehr-data-accuracy%e2%80%94should-you-be-

    concerned/ “EHR Data Accuracy—Should You Be Concerned?”)

    Clinical Algorithms and Data Structures

    [From Data to Data + Processes: A Different Way of Thinking about EHR Software Design]

    (http://ehrscience.com/2012/09/24/from-data-to-data-processes-a-different-way-of-thinking-about-ehr-design/ “From Data to

    Data + Processes: A Different Way of Thinking about EHR Software Design”)

    [The Informaticist-Programmer Interface: What Do You Mean By That…?](http://ehrscience.com/2012/07/30/the-informaticist-

    programmer-interface-what-do-you-mean-by-that%e2%80%a6/ “The Informaticist-Programmer Interface: What Do You Mean By That…


    [Making Clinical Concepts Computable](http://ehrscience.com/2012/05/16/making-clinical-concepts-computable/ “Making

    Clinical Concepts Computable”)

    [The Nuances of Clinical Data

    ](http://ehrscience.com/2012/01/30/the-nuances-of-clinical-data/ “The Nuances of Clinical Data”)[Null Codes: A Mechanism

    for Understanding the Reasons for Missing EHR Data Values](http://ehrscience.com/2013/07/22/null-codes-a-mechanism-for-

    understanding-the-reasons-for-missing-ehr-data-values/ “Null Codes: A Mechanism for Understanding the Reasons for Missing

    EHR Data Values”)

    **Key Articles

    **Sinsky CA, Beasley JW, Simmons GE, Baron RJ. [Electronic health records: design, implementation, and policy for higher-

    value primary care.](http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1872852) Ann Intern Med. 2014 May 20;160(10):727-8.**


    Krist AH, Beasley JW, Crosson JC, Kibbe DC, et al. [Electronic health record functionality needed to better support primary

    care.](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24431335?dopt=Abstract) J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Jan 15. [E] <span

    style=”color: #ff0000;”>**


    Hypp?nen H, Saranto K, Vuokko R, M?kel?-Bengs P, Doupi P, Lindqvist M, M?kel? M. [Impacts of structuring the electronic

    health record: A systematic review protocol and results of previous reviews]

    (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386505613002475). Int J Med Inform. 2013 Dec 8. [E] <span

    style=”color: #ff0000;”>**


    Xiaomu Zhou, Kai Zheng, Mark Ackerman, and David Hanauer. 2012. [Cooperative documentation: the patient problem list as a

    nexus in electronic health records.](http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~ackerm/pub/12b69/CSCW12-352-ProblemList.inpress.pdf) In

    Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA,


    Bisbal J, Berry D. [An analysis framework for electronic health record systems. Interoperation and collaboration in shared

    healthcare](http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~jbisbal/publications/me09-01-0002_Bisbal.pdf). Methods Inf Med. 2011;50


    Blobel B, Pharow P. [Analysis and evaluation of EHR approaches]

    (http://person.hst.aau.dk/ska/MIE2008/ParalleSessions/PapersForDownloads/06.HIS&EHR/SHTI136-0359.pdf). Methods Inf Med.

    2009;48(2):162-9. **


    Greenhalgh T, Potts HW, Wong G et al. (2009) . [Tensions and paradoxes in electronic patient record research: a systematic

    literature review using the meta-narrative method](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2888022/)**.** Milbank Q

    vol. 87, (4) 729-788. **


    Miller J. Cohesion and Coupling. MSDN Magazine. October 2008.**


    H?yrinen K, Saranto K, Nyk?nen P. [Definition, structure, content, use and impacts of electronic health records: a review

    of the research literature.](http://www.ijmijournal.com/article/S1386-5056(07)00168-2/abstract) Int J Med Inform. 2008

    May;77(5):291-304. **



    **[New July 29 - August 26, 2014] [<span style=”color:

    ff0000;”>E**] = e-pub date


    **Bouaud J, Lamy JB. A 2014 medical informatics perspective on clinical decision support systems: do we hit the

    ceiling of effectiveness? Yearb Med Inform. 2014 Aug 15;9(1):163-6.

    Braun M, Brandt AU, Schulz S, Boeker M. Validating archetypes for the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite. BMC Med

    Inform Decis Mak. 2014 Aug 3;14:64. 6.

    Tastan S, Linch GC, Keenan GM, Stifter J, McKinney D, Fahey L, Lopez KD, Yao Y, Wilkie DJ. Evidence for the existing

    American Nurses Association-recognized standardized nursing terminologies: a systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud. 2014


    Liaw ST, Taggart J, Yu H, Lusignan SD, Kuziemsky C, Hayen A. Integrating electronic health record information to support

    integrated care: Practical application of ontologies to improve the accuracy of diabetes disease registers. J Biomed

    Inform. 2014 Aug 1. [E]

    Kiah ML, Haiqi A, Zaidan BB, Zaidan AA. Open source EMR software: Profiling, insights and hands-on analysis. Comput Methods

    Programs Biomed. 2014 Jul 17. [E]

    Forrest CB, Margolis PA, Bailey LC, Marsolo K, Del Beccaro MA, Finkelstein JA, Milov DE, Vieland VJ, Wolf BA, Yu FB, Kahn

    MG. PEDSnet: a National Pediatric Learning Health System. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Jul-Aug;21(4):602-6.

    Yao Q, Han X, Ma XK, Xue YF, Chen YJ, Li JS. Cloud-based hospital information system as a service for grassroots

    healthcare institutions. J Med Syst. 2014 Sep;38(9):104.

    Jing X, Kay S, Marley T, Hardiker NR. Integration of an OWL-DL Knowledge Base with an EHR Prototype and Providing

    Customized Information. J Med Syst. 2014 Sep;38(9):75.

    Gazzarata R, Vergari F, Salmon Cinotti T, Giacomini M. A standardized SOA for clinical data interchange in a cardiac

    telemonitoring environment. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2014 Jul 1. [E]

    Abbas A, Khan SU. A Review on the State-of-the-Art Privacy-Preserving Approaches in the e-Health Clouds. IEEE J Biomed

    Health Inform. 2014 Jul;18(4):1431-41.

    D’Amore JD, Mandel JC, Kreda DA, Swain A, Koromia GA, Sundareswaran S, Alschuler L, Dolin RH, Mandl KD, Kohane IS,

    Ramoni RB. Are Meaningful Use Stage 2 certified EHRs ready for interoperability? Findings from the SMART C-CDA

    Collaborative. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Jun 26. pii: amiajnl-2014-002883. [E].

    G?eg KR, Chen R, H?jen AR, Elberg P. Content analysis of physical examination templates in electronic health records using

    SNOMED CT. Int J Med Inform. 2014 Jun 17. [E]

    Rasmussen LV, Thompson WK, Pacheco JA, Kho AN, Carrell DS, Pathak J, Peissig PL, Tromp G, Denny JC, Starren JB. Design

    Patterns for the Development of Electronic Health Record-Driven Phenotype Extraction Algorithms. J Biomed Inform. 2014 Jun

    1. [E]

    Kush R, Goldman M. Fostering responsible data sharing through standards. N Engl J Med. 2014 Jun 5;370(23):2163-5.

    Berges I, Bermudez J, Illarramendi A. Binding SNOMED CT Terms to Archetype Elements. Establishing a Baseline of Results.

    Methods Inf Med. 2014 Jun 3;53(4). [E]

    de Hoog CL, Portegijs PJ, Stoffers HE. Family history tools for primary care are not ready yet to be implemented. A

    systematic review. Eur J Gen Pract. 2014 Jun;20(2):125-33.

    Wongsapai M, Suebnukarn S, Rajchagool S, Beach D, Kawaguchi S. Health-oriented electronic oral health record: development

    and evaluation. Health Informatics J. 2014 Jun;20(2):104-17.

    Raebel MA, Haynes K, Woodworth TS, Saylor G, Cavagnaro E, Coughlin KO, Curtis LH, Weiner MG, Archdeacon P, Brown JS.

    Electronic clinical laboratory test results data tables: lessons from Mini-Sentinel. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014


    Laing GL, Bruce JL, Skinner DL, Allorto NL, Clarke DL, Aldous C. Development, implementation, and evaluation of a hybrid

    electronic medical record system specifically designed for a developing world surgical service. World J Surg. 2014 Jun;38


    Sinsky CA, Beasley JW, Simmons GE, Baron RJ. Electronic health records: design, implementation, and policy for higher-value

    primary care. Ann Intern Med. 2014 May 20;160(10):727-8.

    Matui P, Wyatt JC, Pinnock H, Sheikh A, McLean S. Computer decision support systems for asthma: a systematic review. NPJ

    Prim Care Respir Med. 2014 May 20;24:14005.

    Asan O, D Smith P, Montague E. More screen time, less face time – implications for EHR design. J Eval Clin Pract. 2014 May

    1. [E]

    Trigo JD, Kohl CD, Eguzkiza A, Martinez-Espronceda M, Alesanco A, Serrano L, Garcia J, Knaup P. On the Seamless, Harmonized

    Use of ISO/IEEE11073 and OpenEHR. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2014 May;18(3):872-84.

    Morrison Z, Fernando B, Kalra D, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. National evaluation of the benefits and risks of greater

    structuring and coding of the electronic health record: exploratory qualitative investigation. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014


    Goossen W, Langford LH. Exchanging care records using HL7 V3 care provision messages. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Apr 19.


    V. Curcin, S. Miles, R. Danger, Y. Chen, R. Bache, and A. Taweel. 2014. Implementing interoperable provenance in biomedical

    research. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 34 (May 2014), 1-16.

    Fernando B, Morrison Z, Kalra D, Cresswell K, Sheikh A. Approaches to recording drug allergies in electronic health

    records: qualitative study. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 16;9(4)

    Kerstin A. Kessel, Christian Bohn, Uwe Engelmann, Dieter Oetzel, Nina Bougatf, Rolf Bendl, Jürgen Debus, and Stephanie E.

    Combs. 2014. Five-year experience with setup and implementation of an integrated database system for clinical documentation

    and research.Comput. Methods Prog. Biomed. 114, 2 (April 2014)

    Poba-Nzaou, Placide; Marsan, Josianne; Pare, Guy; Raymond, Louis, “Governance of Open Source Electronic Health Record

    Projects: A Successful Case of a Hybrid Model,” _System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference

    on_ , vol., no., pp.2798,2807, 6-9 Jan. 2014

    Steininger, Katharina; Stiglbauer, Barbara; Baumgartner, Bernd; Engleder, Bernhard, “Factors Explaining

    Physicians’ Acceptance of Electronic Health Records,” System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International

    Conference on , vol., no., pp.2768,2777, 6-9 Jan. 2014

    Gan, Qiwei; Cao, Qing, “Adoption of Electronic Health Record System: Multiple Theoretical Perspectives,”

    System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2716,2724, 6-9 Jan. 2014

    Noteboom, Cherie; Dempsey, Kathryn; Fruhling, Ann, “Recognizing Patient Safety Importance through Instrument

    Validation on Physicians’ Assessment of an EHR,” _System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International

    Conference on_ , vol., no., pp.2828,2837, 6-9 Jan. 2014

    Grabenbauer, Lisa A.; Fruhling, Ann L.; Windle, John R., “Towards a Cardiology/EHR Interaction Workflow Usability

    Evaluation Method,” System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on , vol., no.,

    pp.2626,2635, 6-9 Jan. 2014

    Mansoori B, Rosipko B, Erhard KK, Sunshine JL. Design and Implementation of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

    Solution for Radiology PACS. J Digit Imaging. 2014 Feb;27(1):19-25.

    Thyvalikakath TP, Dziabiak MP, Johnson R, Torres-Urquidy MH, Acharya A, Yabes J, Schleyer TK. Advancing cognitive

    engineering methods to support user interface design for electronic health records. Int J Med Inform. 2014 Jan 20. [E]

    M. Poulymenopoulou, F. Malamateniou, and G. Vassilacopoulos. 2014. E-EPR: a workflow-based electronic emergency patient

    record. Personal Ubiquitous Comput. 18, 1 (January 2014), 91-100.

    Doods J, Botteri F, Dugas M, Fritz F; EHR4CR WP7. A European inventory of common electronic health record data elements for

    clinical trial feasibility.Trials. 2014 Jan 10;15:18.

    Kathleen H. Pine and Melissa Mazmanian. 2014. Institutional logics of the EMR and the problem of ‘perfect’ but

    inaccurate accounts. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social

    computing (CSCW ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-294

    Krist AH, Beasley JW, Crosson JC, Kibbe DC, Klinkman MS, Lehmann CU, Fox CH, Mitchell JM, Mold JW, Pace WD, Peterson KA,

    Phillips RL, Post R, Puro J, Raddock M, Simkus R, Waldren SE. Electronic health record functionality needed to better

    support primary care. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Jan 15. [E]

    Zargaran E, Schuurman N, Nicol AJ, Matzopoulos R, Cinnamon J, Taulu T, Ricker B, Garbutt Brown DR, Navsaria P, Hameed SM.

    The electronic trauma health record: design and usability of a novel tablet-based tool for trauma care and injury

    surveillance in low resource settings. J Am Coll Surg. 2014 Jan;218(1):41-50.


    **Klann JG, Szolovits P, Downs SM, Schadow G. Decision support from local data: Creating adaptive order menus from

    past clinician behavior. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Dec 16. [E]

    Duke JD, Morea J, Mamlin B, Martin DK, Simonaitis L, Takesue BY, Dixon BE, Dexter PR. Regenstrief Institute’s Medical

    Gopher: A next-generation homegrown electronic medical record system. Int J Med Inform. 2013 Dec 14 [E]

    Austin T, Sun S, Hassan T, Kalra D. Evaluation of ISO EN 13606 as a result of its implementation in XML. Health

    Informatics J. 2013 Dec;19(4):264-80.

    Duftschmid G, Rinner C, Kohler M, Huebner-Bloder G, Saboor S, Ammenwerth E. The EHR-ARCHE project: Satisfying clinical

    information needs in a Shared Electronic Health Record System based on IHE XDS and Archetypes. Int J Med Inform. 2013


    Acharya A, Hernandez P, Thyvalikakath T, Ye H, Song M, Schleyer T. Development and initial validation of a content taxonomy

    for patient records in general dentistry. Int J Med Inform. 2013 Dec;82(12):1171-82.

    Bache R, Miles S, Taweel A. An adaptable architecture for patient cohort identification from diverse data sources. J Am Med

    Inform Assoc. 2013 Dec;20(e2):e327-33.

    Yilmaz O, Erdur RC, Türksever M. SAMS – A Systems Architecture for Developing Intelligent Health Information

    Systems. J Med Syst. 2013 Dec;37(6):9989.

    Xin Zhang; Tingting Zhang, “Achieving scalability in a distributed electronic health record system,” Science

    and Information Conference (SAI), 2013 , vol., no., pp.68,77, 7-9 Oct. 2013

    Deblieck C, Laflamme AF, Rivard MJ, Monsen KA. Standardizing Documentation for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in the

    Electronic Health Record. AORN J. 2013 Oct;98(4):370-80.

    Kho AN, Rasmussen LV, Connolly JJ, Peissig PL, Starren J, Hakonarson H, Hayes MG. Practical challenges in integrating

    genomic data into the electronic health record. Genet Med. 2013 Oct;15(10):772-8.

    Tarczy-Hornoch P, Amendola L, Aronson SJ, Garraway L, Gray S, Grundmeier RW, Hindorff LA, Jarvik G, Karavite D, Lebo M,

    Plon SE, Van Allen E, Weck KE, White PS, Yang Y. A survey of informatics approaches to whole-exome and whole-genome

    clinical reporting in the electronic health record. Genet Med. 2013 Oct;15(10):824-32.

    Peterson JF, Bowton E, Field JR, Beller M, Mitchell J, Schildcrout J, Gregg W, Johnson K, Jirjis JN, Roden DM, Pulley JM,

    Denny JC. Electronic health record design and implementation for pharmacogenomics: a local perspective. Genet Med. 2013


    Rothman MJ, Rothman SI, Beals J 4th. Development and validation of a continuous measure of patient condition using the

    Electronic Medical Record. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Oct;46(5):837-48.

    Sinaci AA, Laleci Erturkmen GB. A federated semantic metadata registry framework for enabling interoperability across

    clinical research and care domains. J Biomed Inform. 2013 Oct;46(5):784-94.

    Baskaran LN, Greco PJ, Kaelber DC. Case report medical eponyms: an applied clinical informatics opportunity. Appl Clin

    Inform. 2012 Sep 19;3(3):349-55.

    Katzer R, Barton DJ, Adelman S, Clark S, Seaman EL, Hudson KB. Impact of implementing an EMR on physical exam documentation

    by ambulance personnel. Appl Clin Inform. 2012 Jul 25;3(3):301-8.

    Bahga, A.; Madisetti, V.K., “A Cloud-based Approach for Interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Biomedical

    and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of , vol.17, no.5, pp.894,906, Sept. 2013.

    Makam AN, Lanham HJ, Batchelor K, Moran B, Howell-Stampley T, Kirk L, Cherukuri M, Samal L, Santini N, Leykum LK, Halm EA.

    The good, the bad and the early adopters: providers’ attitudes about a common, commercial EHR. J Eval Clin Pract.

    2013 Aug 20. [E]

    Fernández-Breis JT, Maldonado JA, Marcos M, Legaz-García MD, Moner D, Torres-Sospedra J, Esteban-Gil A, Martínez-Salvador

    B, Robles M. Leveraging electronic healthcare record standards and semantic web technologies for the identification of

    patient cohorts. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Aug 9. [E]

    Brown JS, Kahn M, Toh S. Data quality assessment for comparative effectiveness research in distributed data networks. Med

    Care. 2013 Aug;51(8 Suppl 3):S22-9.

    Kuqi K, Eveleigh T, Holzer T, Sarkani S, Levin JE, Crowley RS. Design of electronic medical record user interfaces: a

    matrix-based method for improving usability. J Healthc Eng. 2013;4(3):427-52.

    Kushniruk A, Nohr C, Jensen S, Borycki EM. From Usability Testing to Clinical Simulations: Bringing Context into the Design

    and Evaluation of Usable and Safe Health Information Technologies. Contribution of the IMIA Human Factors Engineering for

    Healthcare Informatics Working Group. Yearb Med Inform.2013;8(1):78-85.

    Majeed RW, St?hr MR, R?hrig R. Architecture of a Prehospital Emergency Patient Care Report System (PEPRS). Stud Health

    Technol Inform. 2013;192:1151.

    Del Fiol G, Curtis C, Cimino JJ, Iskander A, Kalluri AS, Jing X, Hulse NC, Long J, Overby CL, Schardt C, Douglas DM.

    Disseminating Context-Specific Access to Online Knowledge Resources within Electronic Health Record Systems. Stud Health

    Technol Inform. 2013;192:672-6.

    Janzek-Hawlat S, Ammenwerth E, Dorda W, Duftschmid G, Hackl W, H?rbst A, Jung M, Woertz K, Gall W. The Austrian e-

    Medikation Pilot Evaluation: Lessons Learned from a National Medication List. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013;192:347-51.

    Mansoori B, Rosipko B, Erhard KK, Sunshine JL. Design and Implementation of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

    Solution for Radiology PACS. J Digit Imaging. 2013 Aug 6. [E]

    Park JY, Lee G, Shin SY, Kim JH, Han HW, Kwon TW, Kim WS, Lee JH. Lessons Learned from the Development of Health

    Applications in a Tertiary Hospital. Telemed J E Health. 2013 Aug 2. [E]

    Alabdulatif, A.; Khalil, I.; Mai, V., “Protection of electronic health records (EHRs) in cloud,” Engineering in

    Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp.4191,4194, 3-7

    July 2013.

    Vreeman DJ, Richoz C. Possibilities and Implications of Using the ICF and Other Vocabulary Standards in Electronic Health

    Records. Physiother Res Int. 2013 Jul 30. [E]

    Aljarullah A, El-Masri S. A novel system architecture for the national integration of electronic health records: a semi-

    centralized approach. J Med Syst. 2013 Aug;37(4):9953.

    Sahoo SS, Zhang GQ, Lhatoo SD. Epilepsy informatics and an ontology-driven infrastructure for large database research and

    patient care in epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2013 Aug;54(8):1335-41.

    Morton P, Petersen C, Chard R, Kleiner C. Validation of the Data Elements for the Health System Domain of the PNDS. AORN J.

    2013 Jul;98(1):39-48.

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    1. 1. EHR Architecture and Design
      1. 1.0.1. General
      2. 1.0.2. EHR Architecture and Design
  • 2. ff0000;”>E**] = e-pub date