  1. 1. 第一篇




I have to leave you.
Donny, I feel like I’ve lost myself. I, I don’t know who I am. I don’t know where I am. I think, I might be in Marrakesh and I need to go there and find myself, because
you can’t truly love anyone unless you know who and where you are. I’ve lost myself. I need to find myself. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. And especially I’m sorry about the wedding next week, But I need to go.
Goodbye. Don’t wait for me, I may never be back. And she picks up her suitcases, then turns to go.
At which point, Donny who has been sitting at the writing table in stunned silence, rises from the writing table and bursts into song.
And I put it in my little file of possible song ideas, which I’d really encourage you to take. you know just a little book or perhaps on
your computer, just have this little list. Of of potential song ideas. Of things that will take you someplace. What what could this mean?
What kind of idea will this song be? so that keeping, keeping a little list of songs. and then you can start thinking about them.
盒子理论 三段式 层层升华 可以是时间为主线 也可以是事情发展的动机
经典故事 老情人见面

  • hi, how are things going? You look really happy, are you, are you as happy as you look? I’d just like to know.
  • Did you cheat on me? When you left me, did you know that, that you’re going to move in with him and, and do it so fast. When, when I was out on the road, did,
    did you invite him over to your place? So, what’s up, did you cheat? I’d just like to know.
  • I said it to you. I said, I just want to be able to tell you everything. And I want you to tell me everything.
    I really want this to be an open and honest relationship. You could told me about him, it’s, it’s not like I would have tried to stop you,
    I’d just like to know.
    歌曲内容的填充 有了大体框架之后
    借助你的six friends
    who what why when where how
    歌曲的组织 前面讲的都是idea是如何发展的 歌曲大致上可以按照功能不同分成不同的section
    verse 主歌 基本信息
    chorus 副歌 大家一起唱的部分 简单易记 强调主题
    bridge 间奏

有爱的故事The story of Bernice

Let’s talk a little bit about the relationship of, all of the various song sections to the central idea. Whether that central idea, the statement of the central idea, the statement of the title of the song is a chorus, or whether it’s, as in The Great Pretender, the opening of a verse, or as in Still Crazy After All These Years, the closing of a verse where we’ll call it a refrain. But the diff-, the, the relationship between the, basic information of the song, given by the verses and the statement of the central idea. Bernice, went through preschool, grammar school, high school, and college With her best friends, Ashley, Brittany, Nicole, Caitlin, and Samantha.
They were best friends, 6, best friends. Now, it has to be said that, Bernice, was not the brightest light on the Christmas
tree, Bernice was not, the funniest, not the smartest, not the most athletic, not the best personality, not the prettiest, but she was a good and loyal friend. And as they grew and grew together,
everyone loved Bernice for her quality as a great listener. And someone who would always be supportive.
The girls all loved her. Things started getting a little complicated in high school when boys started coming around. Because the boys seemed to gather primarily around Katlin and Samantha.
And the other girls too, but Bernice was always left in the shadows. And when they started actually dating, she was often home alone on Friday night,
or in the group where all of the other girls had somebody they were with, and then Bernice didn’t, Bernice was the one who would always get fixed up with the
second cousin from Milwaukee. So that, as they went into college and started getting into serious relationships, Bernice felt a little more
and a little more Out of the loop and the girls were so hopeful that some time, some, some way, Bernice would find someone.
And then, in physical health class, Bernice found Edwin, Edwin thought that Bernice hung the moon and the girls were all so excited and it got deeper and it got deeper and they went everywhere
together until, on Christmas that year Edwin gave Bernice an engagement ring. And Bernice called the girls, and they
did the girl squeal, they were all so happy, and, and then, the date was set. And Bernice’s mom, who was no fool, took Bernice to the wedding dress store.
They looked, and they tried, they looked and tried another one on and tried another one on and an another one and an another when it was for such along time
till finally, Bernice’s mom found the dress. And in the dress Bernice looked better than she had ever looked in her entire life. All of the great qualities that Bernice
had were highlighted by the dress and those that she wasn’t sure about were all diminished by the dress.
So she looked fabulous, she said, Oh mom. I love you so much. This is so wonderful. The mom said, thank you honey, it’s so, you look so beautiful.
And Bernice said, thanks mom. Okay, let’s, let’s now get some dresses, pick out some dresses for the girls. She said there’s some really great
dresses over here, come on mom. And her mom said come back here darling. And led her over to a rack on which hung five purple taffeta sacks.
And Bernice said, oh Mom, I don’t know, I don’t know. And her mother said, Bernice, trust me. She said, okay mom, said, the girls will love them, they’ll wear them everywhere. And so it was done. Ashley, Brittany, Nicole, Katelyn and
Samantha in purple taffeta sacks, and the day of the wedding, the music begins, and down the aisle one by one. Ashley, Brittany, Nicole, Katelyn and
Samantha. All walking down the aisle, slightly uncomfortable in their purple taffeta sacks and the congregation turns to look, oh I always thought she was better
looking than that. And as they paraded one by one, the boyfriends and the husbands of these girls was like[NOISE] oh. They were slightly embarrassed because
they didn’t look that good. And then, the doors flung open[NOISE][SOUND] and here comes Bernice in the dress. And everybody goes[NOISE] shes’ so
gorgeous, and all of the husbands and boyfriends[NOISE] I could have had her, I could have had her, she’s gorgeous.
And there is Bernese in the dress, looking great for two reasons, number 1 because she’s wearing, the dress, and number 2, because everything around her
has been diminished in order to highlight her. That is the relationship between the secondary sections of your song, the development sections of your song and the
chorus. And what you need to do is try to put your chorus in the dress. But then be quite careful not to diminish that dress by anything that happens
before it. So, for example, if the dress has to do with a really special chord or a really high note, that that chord or that note probably should not appear, before it appears in the chorus. So that is the verse, walks down the
aisle. It should interest people to some degree, it should invite them in but it’s not the dress, the dress is Bernice’s sole property.
The story of Bernice, the end.

  1. 1. 第一篇